Couples Floats

When we opened Victory Float Lounge, we had a vision…create a space for everyone to find their win. Mom’s looking to destress. Business owners and hard workers looking to stay on their A game. Creatives looking for a space to tap into their full potential. And we think we did that, successfully.  


What we didn’t expect was almost as many people asking, “can we float with someone else?” Lindsey and I were really scratching our heads. We had always floated alone. In fact, we really didn’t want to float together, because, you know, cooties. But we warmed ourselves up to the idea of couples floating, and introduced it after our soft opening in September.

We’ve welcomed a ton of friends, couples, and partners into our float suites for a couples experience,  and the feedback has been great. But something was missing…we hadn’t done a couples float ourselves! And we felt like impostors. How can we offer something without having gone through that experience ourselves?

And as we looked at the calendar, February 14th was staring us in the face (dun dun dunnnnn) and realized we had to get in the tank together BEFORE Valentine’s day weekend. So we blocked out a slot for ourselves last weekend, and got right down to it. 


A quick shower for each of us. It was nice having a helping hand to lather up those hard to  reach places. And a few minutes later we were in the tank. Lindsey put me next to the controls, so we agreed to lights off but we would leave the music on for the whole float. Once we got that situated, we were floating peacefully, side by side. We started off holding hands because we bumped into each other and it was just a natural reaction to reach out in the dark. As we settled into our environment, we eventually let go of each other and BOOM, it felt like we were floating alone, in our own tanks.

The float was too short for Lindsey, but just long enough for me. She’s been hitting 75-90 minutes consistently since we opened. I’ve been in the 45-60 minute range, mainly because of some added stress and anxiety of small business life. After we got out, we did a quick recap together…


There is way more space in there than even we realized. 

It’s one thing to float by yourself and travel around the tank blissfully unaware. It’s another thing to get a second body in there and realize you still have A TON OF ROOM. What I didn’t account for was the length of the tank - meaning you don’t have to float side by side. You can stagger and give yourself even more space.

It was comforting.

It was nice sharing the experience with someone because even though we couldn’t talk (you can, but it’s tough to hear each other), just having their presence there with you was calming. I could see this being a really comfortable way to try floatation therapy if someone has any reservations about the experience.

It’s the best pre game.

As soon as we got out we were both ready for dinner and drinks. Unfortunately we didn’t schedule things that way so we had to go back to work! However, our next date night will start off with a couples float (and maybe your’s should too)!


Floating for Different Goals


Lindsey’s Float Story