One hour. No distractions. A better you.
Floatation therapy has two main features. First is the act of floating - you spend an hour or more in 12” of water filled with one ton of epsom salt. The solution makes you so buoyant that anyone can float effortlessly.
The second main feature of floatation therapy is sensory deprivation. All float tanks remove the stimulus of light, sound, and touch. In our tanks, however, clients can choose complete sensory deprivation, or control the light and sound at their own discretion.
Floating shuts off the brain’s fight or flight response (the sympathetic nervous system), and turns on the rest and digest response (the parasympathetic nervous system). So from a physical standpoint, you get the benefits of being weightless. Your joints and spine in particular get a welcome reprieve from the constant everyday pounding that they endure, which ultimately improves circulation and allows your body to do what it does best - heal itself. Research shows that floating measurably reduces your blood pressure and heart rate while at the same time lowering cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
The effects of floating for your body are well documented and pretty fantastic, but (this is the cool part) what floating does for your brain is even more interesting. The lack of sensory input gives your brain the much needed bandwidth to do what it does best -sorting all of your short term memory THEN creating! Imagine the hard drive on your computer or phone constantly running background apps, then BAM all of a sudden it gets the time and space to shut all those down. And YOU get a complete reboot and the mental space to play.
With an environment designed to allow you to think clearly and creatively, many people report sudden insights and inspirations, “AH-HA” moments, or feelings of general well being and happiness, as a result of a drop in cortisol levels and a release of endorphins. Sounds pretty good, huh?
Reduce cortisol levels
Relieve stress, anxiety, depression
Reduce chronic fatigue from lack of sleep
Improve circulation and blood pressure
Reduce chronic pain from arthritis and other inflammation
Decrease muscular tension from daily stress and prolonged sitting
The fun stuff:
Optimize recovery
Optimize athletic performance (visualization techniques)
Stimulate creativity
Problem solve
Recharge and prepare for everyday stressors
Improve patience threshold